keadaan semkakin seru!
gw coba berkali-kali klik nama dia di Google buat cari twitter dia!
and... GOTCHA! ketemu! walau butuh waktu yg ngak lama sih.. sekarang mata udh mulai pusing gara2 terlalu banyak browsing..
di luar dugaan ternyata sama sekali ngak ada info... oh come on!
woles aja woles, ntar gw usaha lagi, bukan usaha mencari myspace/acc kok! try to get her! *hehehe
how the continuation of the story "all is well" this? and to which end?
Let's see! hehe
Minggu, 20 November 2011
meaning of the word nervous
information about the day last week, okay i tough he is, he's tough I? do not know.
asked why the eyes can be just drawn to a person but of which there are dozens of people?
This was just the beginning ..
church services started okay, i to the shop to buy candy. glance up at the stalls therewho actually face I memorized.
I'm a little nervous, I looked down and saw my blue vans shoes, what is clean? Whatlooks neat? I saw another black pants and my red shirt. What is suitable? there is something wrong?
just caught a glimpse of it already made nervous that I did not even imagine ..
I pay money for candy and began to leave the shop, too many female friends werethere, it's impossible for me to start talking to the girl.
I went back to church, every step I use to play my brain, what I believe today will finda moment?
too nervous so I could only see my vans running.
while joking with friends, the girl suddenly appeared with a face who I memorized.some distance away from where I sit, my dekadasi rarely profitable, his nervousnessbegan to lose direction and go.
few hours later it was over I menggambi my book with a friend, and suddenly she was walking toward the exit, brain and my heart cried "come on! you introduce yourself to her! do not be a loser friend!"
"nervous" coming back toward me so that I could not walk and just look..
okay, maybe you guys can laugh at me now ..
but see! someday I'll beat the "nervous" and you will see me walking with her!
asked why the eyes can be just drawn to a person but of which there are dozens of people?
This was just the beginning ..
church services started okay, i to the shop to buy candy. glance up at the stalls therewho actually face I memorized.
I'm a little nervous, I looked down and saw my blue vans shoes, what is clean? Whatlooks neat? I saw another black pants and my red shirt. What is suitable? there is something wrong?
just caught a glimpse of it already made nervous that I did not even imagine ..
I pay money for candy and began to leave the shop, too many female friends werethere, it's impossible for me to start talking to the girl.
I went back to church, every step I use to play my brain, what I believe today will finda moment?
too nervous so I could only see my vans running.
while joking with friends, the girl suddenly appeared with a face who I memorized.some distance away from where I sit, my dekadasi rarely profitable, his nervousnessbegan to lose direction and go.
few hours later it was over I menggambi my book with a friend, and suddenly she was walking toward the exit, brain and my heart cried "come on! you introduce yourself to her! do not be a loser friend!"
"nervous" coming back toward me so that I could not walk and just look..
okay, maybe you guys can laugh at me now ..
but see! someday I'll beat the "nervous" and you will see me walking with her!
sebagai bassist di KILLING ME INSIDE sebelum Sansan sang frontman memutuskan untuk keluar dari KILLMS..
sekarang Onad menggantikan posisi Sansan sebagai vocalist di KILLING ME INSIDE.
Onad mempunyai ciri khas suara yg hebat tinggi dan soal scream? seperti sansan.. jangan di tanya..
orangnya mungkin agak pemalu beda dengan sansan.
Tipe orang yang juga suka gonta ganti style rambut. Hehehe
check this out! >>
itu dia style rambut onad dari dulu dan sekarang, keren kan? my hero gitu!! hehehe
oiya he's addict to Tatto's I like it!
He said "were the worst the fucking days"
Mulai debut pertama menjadi vocalist and scream untuk KILLING ME INSIDE, bebrapa tahun berlalu dia keluar dari KILLMS dan menjadi personil (vox/guitarist) di PEE WEE GASKINS
he's look good do good
orangnya ramah, baik, ngak sombong (yang orang2 bilang sombong) tapi SALAH BESAR!
dia ramah ke semua orang, ngak pilih2 orang untuk ngobrol/bercanda.
punya ciri khas suara yang tinggi dan halus, and scream? jangan ditanya... and he addict to Tatto's
so, its He's profile!
Nama : FauzanLahir : Jakarta, 7 Januari 1986
Posisi band : Vokalis, gitaris
Makanan Fav : Tongseng
Nama : FauzanLahir : Jakarta, 7 Januari 1986
Posisi band : Vokalis, gitaris
Makanan Fav : Tongseng
1. Apa sih arti 53 di nickname lo ?- 53 itu lucky number gue.
Eh engga deeenngg, hehe. Malah yg ngasih tau tuh temen2. “Kenapa sih San kalo tiap nyebut angka pasti 53 ?” padahal gue gak nyadar tuh. Yaudah, jadilah si angka 53 itu trademark gue. hehe
Eh engga deeenngg, hehe. Malah yg ngasih tau tuh temen2. “Kenapa sih San kalo tiap nyebut angka pasti 53 ?” padahal gue gak nyadar tuh. Yaudah, jadilah si angka 53 itu trademark gue. hehe
2. Sifat cewek yg paling nyebelin menurut lo ?-nelpon2, sms, padahal gue gak suka sama dia. Kalo cewek yg gue suka dan sayang sih dengan senang hati gue ladenin. Hee…
He said
Oliver "Oli" Sykes (born Oliver Scott Sykes November 20, 1986) is the currentvocalist for the deathcore band Bring Me the Horizon from Sheffield England
Sykes moved to Australia until he was five years with his parents, he moved toStockbridge, just outside Sheffield in the UK As a teenager he AttendedStockbridge High School and was a year below Alex Turner and Matt Helders ofArctic Monkeys After school he began making compilation CDs and short tracksunder the name Quake Beat He is a vegetarian
Other Projects
Quake Beat is a compilation album Sykes, WHO has made while in school herealso come under the name "Quake Sound"
Olisarus was an ambient electronic project started Pls Sykes That he was 16JamesSpence of Rolo Tomassi followedwith electronic beats on guitar
Purple Curto two men were the resource persons Deathrash band featuring Sykeson drums and vocals, Neil on guitar, Neil Whitely Whitely Whitely brother of SJSykes' ex girlfriend Purple Curto Several songs recorded and played once at theSykes-'18 Anniversary
Sykes has recently Revealed That his personal MySpace profile he That Will MakeThat a future project "could not be Further away from Bring Me The Horizon music and if you do not want to dance, you do not like it" It is Expected That this can yetanother project electronic That Will continue as soon Bring Me The Horizon hasbeen touring for Their second album, Suicide Season
2 Da Tomb womb was a "rapping" side project in the early days Bring Me theHorizon consists of Tom Sykes and Matt Nicholls Oli Sykes
Drop Dead Clothing is a clothing company founded and run by Sykes
He said throw you're Diamond to the sky, we stay Gold forever
Konsep Bahagia.
Konsep bahagia tiap orang itu berbeda, ada yang baru merasakan bahagia kalau ada di bawah sorotan, dipuja puja, dielukan, ada yang bahagia saat punya uang banyak, ada yang bahagia setelah barang yang mau dibeli akhirnya kebeli juga.. Kebahagian saya simpel, ketika bisa membuat orang disekitar saya senyum.. Kadang harus ngalah, harus mundur beberapa langkah supaya saat berada dibawah sorotan, bayangan yang tercipta tidak terlalu besar dan nutupin yang dibelakang.. Satu hal yang paling saya ingat adalah kalimat "bahagia itu mensyukuri nikmat dan menikmati syukur". Saya punya teman penggerutu, sedih lihatnya, sepertinya semua yang dia dapat tidak bisa membuat dia puas, dia terus dan terus dan terus menggerutu sampai lupa apa saja yang sudah dia dapat dan dia dapat dari mana, sedih tapi senang, karena disitu saya selalu diingatkan untuk bahagia, untuk lebih berhati besar dan ingat semua ini dapet darimana.. Dan tidak sedetikpun saya ragu untuk menaruh kebahagiaan itu kembali ketempat yang membuat saya bahagia.. Ingat, semua akan kembali ke tanah. Ingat, setinggi apa kamu meloncat, gravitasi akan selalu menang. Kebahagiaan itu bukan saat ada diatas langit, tapi ditanah dimana kamu berasal. Pergilah mencari kebahagiaan dan bawa kebahagiaan itu pulang. Orang yang bersyukur adalah orang yang selalu ingat jalan pulang. Always remember where you came from. And always remember that happiness is like a bag of weed, you have to share it with your friends.
Kebahagiaan tidak ada tanggal kadaluarsanya, tapi, tanggal produksinya harus ditetapkan sendiri, lalu distribusikanlah.
Kebahagiaan tidak ada tanggal kadaluarsanya, tapi, tanggal produksinya harus ditetapkan sendiri, lalu distribusikanlah.
Sabtu, 19 November 2011
all is well 1st
pernah ngak sih ngerasain tiba2 tubuh dan pikiran lo kepanggil sama sesuatu yg sama sekali lo jg belum ngerti itu kenapa.
akhir2 ini gw sering, pas lagi asik2 nya main PS2 (seperti biasa, mungkin itu main PES atau yg lainya) tiba2 otak memerintahkan sesuatu yg di luar nalar..
"ke net gih, yuk cari akun facebook nya! siapa tau dapet info tentang dia?" *dorr!
tanpa basa-basi di iringgi pergerakan tubuh yg perintah otak gw langsunga turn off tuh PS (yg kebetulan padahal lg seru2 nya) oke gw keluar kamar dan ambil kunci motor siip! gw langsung take off ke net *heheh..
Touch Down! gw ketemu teman yg emang aktifitas nya selalu di net @samriant (game online addict) gw cerita sama dia gmn deh?
dan dia bilang "coba lo cari di facebook temen nya dulu *****" gw mulai ngerti, sambil nyaut "aha! betul tuh, ntar tinggal gw cari nama dia dari M"
percaya ngak percaya gw cuma berbekal nama panggilan dia, 30% kemungkinan dia pake nama depan itu. sisanya.. yahh tau lah
gw ingat waktu itu gw harus mencari 1 orang di antara 640 teman2 fecebook "orang itu". oh well, tapi gw semangat kok!
beberapa kali gw klik ternyata bukan, gw klik lagi.. bukan. hampir 30menit tiba2 tersadar sama senyum di foto profil fb seseorang.. nama depanya "I" sama sekali ngak sama dgn nama yg gw tau, tp itu beneran gw kenal!
secepat itu juga gw panggil @samriant "ini wel! gw dapet fb nya!" samuel bilang itu bukan dia, terlalu manis.. tp itu benar dia! gw hafal!
belum siap nge-add oke gw check info nya.. ternyata akunya di "PRIVACY" yahh.. tp ngak apa2 kita ikutin jalur aja, gw add dia pake acc facebook baru "nama disamarkan" (bkn nama gw)
dan sekarang hal itu terjadi lagi, gw pergi ke net dan coba cari dia di Google, GOTCHA!! gw dapet blog nya, hehehe Tuhan baik :)
oh, well.. kita liat kelanjutanya!! see ya!
Minggu, 13 November 2011
Killing Me Inside Band atau yang juga dikenal dengan nama Killms adalah band dengan genre musik rock (emo). Band ini berdiri pada tahun 2006 dengan beranggotakan beberapa personil diawal berdirinya seperti :
Untuk saat ini, setelah mengalami pergantian dan penambahan personil. Formasi terbaru Killing Me Inside Band adalah sebagai berikut:
- SanSan sebagai vokal
- Raka sebagai gitaris
- Josaphat sebagai gitaris
- Onadio sebagai bassis
- Randy sebagai penggebuk drum
Untuk saat ini, setelah mengalami pergantian dan penambahan personil. Formasi terbaru Killing Me Inside Band adalah sebagai berikut:
- Onadio sebagai vokalis
- Josaphat sebagai gitaris
- Agung sebagai bassis dan
- Davi sebagai drummer
- Myspace :
- Facebook :
- Friendster :
this is my first fevorite band
andika frans yohanes aryas
location : never too HIGH never too LOW
-midnite drive
-midnite calls
-dibangunin (by the right person)
-free stuff, free samples, free free free
-naik motor berdua
-tall buildings
-strangers to talk to
-anak kecil
-going to places
-comeback home reeeaaaalllly late
-listen to stories
-orange tic tac
-being missed
-song writting
-stay up late, wake up early
-asep rokok
-serangga di gelas gw
-ngambil barang yang gak sengaja jatoh
-motor yang menghalangi jalan
-dateng telat
-ingkar janji
-tulisan jelek
-anjing buduk sok manis
-kecoa terbang minta diperhatiin
-lupa bawa sesuatu dan sadar pas jalan udah lumayan jauh
-gak punya duit
-gak punya pulsa
-sendiri (kadang2)
-people who brags
-people who doesnt take me seriously
-ada yang mau cerita trus bilang "gak jadi"
-banyak nyamuk dikamar
-lupa naro sesuatu
-impolite people
-midnite drive
-midnite calls
-dibangunin (by the right person)
-free stuff, free samples, free free free
-naik motor berdua
-tall buildings
-strangers to talk to
-anak kecil
-going to places
-comeback home reeeaaaalllly late
-listen to stories
-orange tic tac
-being missed
-song writting
-stay up late, wake up early
-asep rokok
-serangga di gelas gw
-ngambil barang yang gak sengaja jatoh
-motor yang menghalangi jalan
-dateng telat
-ingkar janji
-tulisan jelek
-anjing buduk sok manis
-kecoa terbang minta diperhatiin
-lupa bawa sesuatu dan sadar pas jalan udah lumayan jauh
-gak punya duit
-gak punya pulsa
-sendiri (kadang2)
-people who brags
-people who doesnt take me seriously
-ada yang mau cerita trus bilang "gak jadi"
-banyak nyamuk dikamar
-lupa naro sesuatu
-impolite people
hello, look good do good!
Kamis, 10 November 2011
remember tonight as the night that i ruined your life
i saw the starts last night
they're not as bright as your eyes
as your lips are sealed with lies
and your eyes are flooded with..
tears will flow
for the next few hours
these words are all i have in mind
and im feeling fucked up
this town dont feel mine
so please please say anything
please please do something good
but i guess i wont be seeing you tonite
remember tonite as the night that i ruined your life
so take these pills and die
or swear as much as you like
as your lips are sealed with lies
and your eyes are flooded with..
tears will flow
for the next few hours
these words are all i have in mind
and im feeling fucked up
this town dont feel mine
so please please say anything
please please do something good
but i guess i wont be seeing you tonite
remember tonite as the night that i ruined your life
so take these pills and die
or swear as much as you like
what has happened is only a part of your past.
we live in our present
present is a gift
i constantly thank god.
rainy season is on
it was a perfect plan, for a perfect day
the weather was so great, im wearing my new shoes, im kissing my town goodbye
the night were showered with such starlit bath, where all of my hopes collide
this trip is a chance of recovery, a chance to re-claim you mine once again
im with you, i feel you, i need you, dont worry we'll get through, i promise
nda why do you have to ruin all this with your short-term dissapointments?
why do you have to crash to every walls i built where i keeps us safe?
what ever happened to your commitments? your promises?
collision is nearly unavoidable, we're goin nowhere fast
my hopes had fallen faster than any shooting stars combined
another night ruined, tell the captain we're changing direction
this ship is going to sink, we sold the last lifejacket to the boy who ruin this trip
i hope we burned in wreckage before we have to drown to the bottom of the sea
rain, rain, rain, every rain drop represent my tears
falling to the ground, crushing every tiny creations below
such a beautiful laceration in such distant heighs
im telling you this; beg, and apologize, with such an appal
we're lovers and liars. eventually decieves and make believes is what had made us this far
now give me directions, im lost
my heart the compass points east
right where you left me undone
im gonna finish what you shouldvent started
where do i belong?
whom to i belong?
almighty God please give me strenght to carry on
i just dont want to be lonely
i want a friend for life
i want to be loved and feel so precious, so that i could treasure life once more...
to everyone who had spent their time reading this confession.
i trully thank you
every trip we had, every experience we had, brings a new meaning
and a new reason to still treasure life.
mine? well im still trying 1-11-2011 (11/11/11)
the night were showered with such starlit bath, where all of my hopes collide
this trip is a chance of recovery, a chance to re-claim you mine once again
im with you, i feel you, i need you, dont worry we'll get through, i promise
nda why do you have to ruin all this with your short-term dissapointments?
why do you have to crash to every walls i built where i keeps us safe?
what ever happened to your commitments? your promises?
collision is nearly unavoidable, we're goin nowhere fast
my hopes had fallen faster than any shooting stars combined
another night ruined, tell the captain we're changing direction
this ship is going to sink, we sold the last lifejacket to the boy who ruin this trip
i hope we burned in wreckage before we have to drown to the bottom of the sea
rain, rain, rain, every rain drop represent my tears
falling to the ground, crushing every tiny creations below
such a beautiful laceration in such distant heighs
im telling you this; beg, and apologize, with such an appal
we're lovers and liars. eventually decieves and make believes is what had made us this far
now give me directions, im lost
my heart the compass points east
right where you left me undone
im gonna finish what you shouldvent started
where do i belong?
whom to i belong?
almighty God please give me strenght to carry on
i just dont want to be lonely
i want a friend for life
i want to be loved and feel so precious, so that i could treasure life once more...
to everyone who had spent their time reading this confession.
i trully thank you
every trip we had, every experience we had, brings a new meaning
and a new reason to still treasure life.
mine? well im still trying
hamster pergi hamster kembali
beberapa hari yg lalu isabelle mati.. sebab kematian tidak jelas.. konspirasi sangat rapih blm ada celah sampai diturunkannya kabar ini.. issabele dikubur di halaman belakang.. bareng luna, alfonso, dan teman2 kecil saya yg lain yg telah tiada.. sleep with the angels, isabelle... semoga diterima di surga hamster..
beberapa hari setelah kematian isabelle saya membeli 2 hamster baru.. perempuan.. untuk memuaskan libido madagascar (hamster jantan kesayangan).. mereka bermain dengan lincah..
beberapa hari setelah itu, athena, hamster betina yg udh lebih senior dari isabella dan madagascar.. (pasangannya marocco si jantan) yg bulan lalu anak2nya mati mengenaskan tanpa kepala dimakan maroko, pas sebulan setelah itu lahir lagi anak2 lucu mereka.. ada 6.. skrg athena sm marocco pisah kandang demi keselamatan anak2 mereka...
jadi skrg hamster ada brapa? head count:
1. Athena
2. Maroco
3. Madagascar
4. Betina #1 blm dinamain
5. Betina #2 blm dinamain
6 bayi hamster
ada ide untuk nama mereka?
beberapa hari setelah kematian isabelle saya membeli 2 hamster baru.. perempuan.. untuk memuaskan libido madagascar (hamster jantan kesayangan).. mereka bermain dengan lincah..
beberapa hari setelah itu, athena, hamster betina yg udh lebih senior dari isabella dan madagascar.. (pasangannya marocco si jantan) yg bulan lalu anak2nya mati mengenaskan tanpa kepala dimakan maroko, pas sebulan setelah itu lahir lagi anak2 lucu mereka.. ada 6.. skrg athena sm marocco pisah kandang demi keselamatan anak2 mereka...
jadi skrg hamster ada brapa? head count:
1. Athena
2. Maroco
3. Madagascar
4. Betina #1 blm dinamain
5. Betina #2 blm dinamain
6 bayi hamster
ada ide untuk nama mereka?
a state of mind, by anesh aryas
Current mood:cold
a state of mind
by anesh aryas
everything has changed because we've changed them
and will always be different depending of how we are looking at them
we're all grown up now, we know how much we have changed our lives
there's nothing to be fix if we dont even know the problems
the problem is among ourselves
we were blinded on how people told us how to think,
how to act, and how to judge
like a microchip telling you what to do
you dont even notice it's underneath your very heart
they would buy you for friendship
they would come for company
and everything you own end up owning you
those who have stayed longer than u had notice
those who are still wise enough to apologize
is those who always put a faith in you
im ready to conquer the world
a world of my own, hidden below my deepest thought
a world of thought that always been haunting me
a world of ambition, not hatred
a world of changes and chances
a world of hopes, not dreams
not just joy, tears nor fear
beyond that, there's a ghost waiting to be rejuvinate
this soul will someday conquer all my fear
and balance my joy and tears to maintain a head-straight everytime i pass thru
everything has an end, and you could start over anytime
im telling you the truth, there is no lie
not just a copy-pasted words that has no meaning
this came from my very heart
it's time to prove a better qualities of ourselves
take a look around, other places
we are young, and someday we'll get old
someday you will have a family to feed
and kids that will look up to you
so grow up
forget envy
it has been corrupting you this many years.
by anesh aryas
everything has changed because we've changed them
and will always be different depending of how we are looking at them
we're all grown up now, we know how much we have changed our lives
there's nothing to be fix if we dont even know the problems
the problem is among ourselves
we were blinded on how people told us how to think,
how to act, and how to judge
like a microchip telling you what to do
you dont even notice it's underneath your very heart
they would buy you for friendship
they would come for company
and everything you own end up owning you
those who have stayed longer than u had notice
those who are still wise enough to apologize
is those who always put a faith in you
im ready to conquer the world
a world of my own, hidden below my deepest thought
a world of thought that always been haunting me
a world of ambition, not hatred
a world of changes and chances
a world of hopes, not dreams
not just joy, tears nor fear
beyond that, there's a ghost waiting to be rejuvinate
this soul will someday conquer all my fear
and balance my joy and tears to maintain a head-straight everytime i pass thru
everything has an end, and you could start over anytime
im telling you the truth, there is no lie
not just a copy-pasted words that has no meaning
this came from my very heart
it's time to prove a better qualities of ourselves
take a look around, other places
we are young, and someday we'll get old
someday you will have a family to feed
and kids that will look up to you
so grow up
forget envy
it has been corrupting you this many years.
hey you backstabbers,
I'll be your friend in hell until then i despise you!
and i probably always will, i cant afford to make another mistake like you,
cus this is more than i can take, i dont mean to leave angry this is by your
own device im sure this comes as no surprise..
and i probably always will, i cant afford to make another mistake like you,
cus this is more than i can take, i dont mean to leave angry this is by your
own device im sure this comes as no surprise..
Aku adalah oksigen yang pernah memberimu kehidupan
setiap hembus karbon dioksida adalah sisa dari kenangku di otakmu
Aku adalah pembunuh pola pikir buruk yang bobrok
membantai skeptismu akan jalan hidupku yang kau nilai salah
membantai skeptismu akan jalan hidupku yang kau nilai salah
Aku adalah sel darah putih yang selalu siap memerangi racun di tubuhmu
menjagamu disaat kau pulas tertidur tanpa beban
dan secara perlahan
menjagamu disaat kau pulas tertidur tanpa beban
dan secara perlahan
Aku adalah partikel dari molekul bebas yang terlepas dari sistem
Aku adalah sebuah konsep kontroversial di era konvensional
Aku adalah sebuah konsep kontroversial di era konvensional
(chill out dude, it's just a piece of my thoughts, so dont get me wrong)
wait.. dont wait
Current mood:grateful
gazing on your soft skin
staring at your smile, first thing in the morning
hearing your voice in our midnite conversations
listening to your jokes, no matter how lame and how dorky you are
how gorgeous you are standing still with the lights above you
how cute you are for being pretty and cute at the same time
listening to the songs on your iPod and trying to like them means i love you more each day
for the laugh, for the touch, for the company, for the kiss, for the kiss, for the kiss, for the love
i love you
i totally love you
i like things the way i like it
Current mood:curious
i eat fried chickens' skin for the last..
same goes out to sirloin steak's fat
save the best for last
sirloins, not tenderloins
pour pepper on the chilli..
i dont do cigarettes..
but sweet mary jane is ok every once in a while
drugs are definitely not cool
wines/cheapwines/tequilas are ok
heineken will do for a beer
not absolute vodka
and i dont drink without any special occasion, regarding my fat belly
but at times, yeah
i dont do coffees
not without milk
i pour milk on my tea too
cheese is nifty
pancakes are awesome
i put chocolate sprinkle on top of sliced cheese and put it in a microwave
chocolates are wicked
a lil melty will do the trick
go easy, bite first, and then chew and chew until it melts
i prefer plain, with no peanuts and all that
fried onions,
never have enough of them
brush teeths afterwards,
sometimes sunrise is better than sunset
i named my stick Bo
i put my bestfriends in a jar
vanilla milk, rather than chocolate
banana milk is more wicked
bananas have attitude
i hate spiders... they're lame
house gecko also..
no unless it's a Golden Retriever
definetely.. mix a siamese with persian
parasailing and bungee jumping
heights are the one for me
it's funny that i could never tell what my favorite colour is
maybe because of my moodswings
all time movie worm
it's hard to remember where i put my things
but it's easy to remember something else
i have photographic memory
but it doesnt work on remembering where i put things
ice cubes
add condense milk
midnite drive
midnite conversation
midnite painting
waiting for sunrise
cookies, soft baked chocochip cookies
mrs.fields.. not chips ahoy..
eggs... sunny side up
french toast! with bacons
i dont like gado-gado (indonesian food)
ketoprak is ok.. (wicked indonesian food)
without bean sprout
sushi.. salmon nigiri
greentea.. without honey
if you add honey, it'll taste like soap water (trust me, i know what soap water taste like)
let's hear about the things you like the way you like it..
same goes out to sirloin steak's fat
save the best for last
sirloins, not tenderloins
pour pepper on the chilli..
i dont do cigarettes..
but sweet mary jane is ok every once in a while
drugs are definitely not cool
wines/cheapwines/tequilas are ok
heineken will do for a beer
not absolute vodka
and i dont drink without any special occasion, regarding my fat belly
but at times, yeah
i dont do coffees
not without milk
i pour milk on my tea too
cheese is nifty
pancakes are awesome
i put chocolate sprinkle on top of sliced cheese and put it in a microwave
chocolates are wicked
a lil melty will do the trick
go easy, bite first, and then chew and chew until it melts
i prefer plain, with no peanuts and all that
fried onions,
never have enough of them
brush teeths afterwards,
sometimes sunrise is better than sunset
i named my stick Bo
i put my bestfriends in a jar
vanilla milk, rather than chocolate
banana milk is more wicked
bananas have attitude
i hate spiders... they're lame
house gecko also..
no unless it's a Golden Retriever
definetely.. mix a siamese with persian
parasailing and bungee jumping
heights are the one for me
it's funny that i could never tell what my favorite colour is
maybe because of my moodswings
all time movie worm
it's hard to remember where i put my things
but it's easy to remember something else
i have photographic memory
but it doesnt work on remembering where i put things
ice cubes
add condense milk
midnite drive
midnite conversation
midnite painting
waiting for sunrise
cookies, soft baked chocochip cookies
mrs.fields.. not chips ahoy..
eggs... sunny side up
french toast! with bacons
i dont like gado-gado (indonesian food)
ketoprak is ok.. (wicked indonesian food)
without bean sprout
sushi.. salmon nigiri
greentea.. without honey
if you add honey, it'll taste like soap water (trust me, i know what soap water taste like)
let's hear about the things you like the way you like it..
dont start a band
Don't start a band
no body wants to hear no body wants to hear
nobody understands
don't start a band
you'll be so disappointed that it was nothing like you planned
Don't start a band
I hate to ruin the magic
I hate to kill the dream
but once you've been behind the scenes then you'll know just what I mean
you might think that's its cool to get up on stage
and play rock and roll from your heart and soul
but no one shows up and your songs all suck
and there's no applause and no flying bras
no girls will scream for you and no ones gonna sing along with you
Don't start a band
no body wants to hear nobody understands
don't start a band
you will be so damn terrible they will think you're shitty and bland
don't start a band
oh yea yea yea
'cause you wont get paid
and you won't get laid
and even if you make it
all the way to MTV
I don't think you could take it
all the bullshit and the greed
everyone is so fake when they shake you hand
and they kiss your ass 'cause then they get cash
and the business end will turn every friend
to an enemy oh you will see
they'll turn their their backs and they'll be gone
faster than you can say 'what did I do wrong'
Don't start a band
no body really cares nobody understands
Don't Start a Band
you will sign your lives away and then you'll be working for the man
don't start a band oh yea yea yea
your message will get lost
you'll get double crossed
and if you think that the joy of playing
will keep you going through the years
wait till you poor and frustrated
and the fun just disappears
nobody cares what you have to say
and noone's gonna listen anyways
rock and roll will bring you down
and it will kick you while your on the ground
don't start a band
don't even try you will regret it yea
don't start a band
you'll be so disappointed that it was nothing like you planned
Don't start a band
so just give up now
I'll show you how
Don't start a Band
nobody understands
don't start a band
you'll be so disappointed that it was nothing like you planned
Don't start a band
I hate to ruin the magic
I hate to kill the dream
but once you've been behind the scenes then you'll know just what I mean
you might think that's its cool to get up on stage
and play rock and roll from your heart and soul
but no one shows up and your songs all suck
and there's no applause and no flying bras
no girls will scream for you and no ones gonna sing along with you
Don't start a band
no body wants to hear nobody understands
don't start a band
you will be so damn terrible they will think you're shitty and bland
don't start a band
oh yea yea yea
'cause you wont get paid
and you won't get laid
and even if you make it
all the way to MTV
I don't think you could take it
all the bullshit and the greed
everyone is so fake when they shake you hand
and they kiss your ass 'cause then they get cash
and the business end will turn every friend
to an enemy oh you will see
they'll turn their their backs and they'll be gone
faster than you can say 'what did I do wrong'
Don't start a band
no body really cares nobody understands
Don't Start a Band
you will sign your lives away and then you'll be working for the man
don't start a band oh yea yea yea
your message will get lost
you'll get double crossed
and if you think that the joy of playing
will keep you going through the years
wait till you poor and frustrated
and the fun just disappears
nobody cares what you have to say
and noone's gonna listen anyways
rock and roll will bring you down
and it will kick you while your on the ground
don't start a band
don't even try you will regret it yea
don't start a band
you'll be so disappointed that it was nothing like you planned
Don't start a band
so just give up now
I'll show you how
Don't start a Band
readers and non-believers
i really missed the feeling of "time stops when im with you". yes, this is how its like to be single.. again.. single but taken tho.. im not in a shape for love cus.. i dont know, there’s no one here that’s good enough to stop my attention.. no offends
there’s this girl named bella, we used to talk and stayed up really late, we still do, god bless xl bebas
because i like midnite conversation, i like to stayed up late, and everything that happens in between
we’re not officially dating.
note: she’s taken.
i love you bella
nothing can top midnite drives
no traffic jams, no enormous heat,
just the company
but currently, there’s no one there to sit next to me on my driver’s seat
being here all around the clock
anyway, my band is preparing for a release party, 9 days from now.. im in such hectic GAH but im really proud of what im capable of, doing the best i can do
i hate to brag, i hate people who brags, i know people who does
and when i start to dislike certain people, i really mean it
im a mean little fella ha ha ha
ah god knows im bored
there’s nothing interesting goin on
yes, it’s about what i wrote earlier
i really missed the feeling of "time stops when im with you".
there’s this girl named bella, we used to talk and stayed up really late, we still do, god bless xl bebas
because i like midnite conversation, i like to stayed up late, and everything that happens in between
we’re not officially dating.
note: she’s taken.
i love you bella
nothing can top midnite drives
no traffic jams, no enormous heat,
just the company
but currently, there’s no one there to sit next to me on my driver’s seat
being here all around the clock
anyway, my band is preparing for a release party, 9 days from now.. im in such hectic GAH but im really proud of what im capable of, doing the best i can do
i hate to brag, i hate people who brags, i know people who does
and when i start to dislike certain people, i really mean it
im a mean little fella ha ha ha
ah god knows im bored
there’s nothing interesting goin on
yes, it’s about what i wrote earlier
i really missed the feeling of "time stops when im with you".
i wish and i want
i wish
means "wouldn't be nice if.."
if you always make the right decision, the safe decision, the one most people make, you will be the same as everyone else
always wishing life was different
i want
means "if i want it enough i'll get it"
getting what you want means making the decisions you make to get what you want
not the decisions those around you think you should make
making the safe decision is dull, predictable, and leads nowhere new.
the unsafe decision causes you to think and respond in a way you hadnt thought of, and that thought will lead you to other thoughts which will help you achieve what you want
start taking bad decision and it will take you to a place where others only dream of being.
i was given egos for a reason
so lets put it to good use rather than try to deny it
"most people are other people.
their thoughts are someone else's opinions.
their lives a mimicry.
their passions a quotation" -oscar wilde
what's your opinion?
man, talents can't make you as far as ambition
hate will only slows you down
it's not how good you are, it's how good you wanna be
you can be anything you want if you want it enough
the world is a jungle, there's always new things, like new poisonous snakes that will bite you with a venom that kills you slow; and for this fact also, if you look harder and with the help of your trustee fellow-adventurers, you'll find the anti-venom, which makes you stronger.. next time the snake bites, you'll know what to do.
i may be a pain in the ass for i am young, bow down is a must or you'll get bad marks for your attitude..
i learned..
and still learning hard enough to see where i am going
and what i want to be
i want.
and if i want it enough, i'll get it.
talents cant lead you as far as ambition.
i'll keep that in mind :)
ps: maybe you're wondering why did i write this in english? well.. it's simple.. while you're trying to translate it, it makes you think, harder
means "wouldn't be nice if.."
if you always make the right decision, the safe decision, the one most people make, you will be the same as everyone else
always wishing life was different
i want
means "if i want it enough i'll get it"
getting what you want means making the decisions you make to get what you want
not the decisions those around you think you should make
making the safe decision is dull, predictable, and leads nowhere new.
the unsafe decision causes you to think and respond in a way you hadnt thought of, and that thought will lead you to other thoughts which will help you achieve what you want
start taking bad decision and it will take you to a place where others only dream of being.
i was given egos for a reason
so lets put it to good use rather than try to deny it
"most people are other people.
their thoughts are someone else's opinions.
their lives a mimicry.
their passions a quotation" -oscar wilde
what's your opinion?
man, talents can't make you as far as ambition
hate will only slows you down
it's not how good you are, it's how good you wanna be
you can be anything you want if you want it enough
the world is a jungle, there's always new things, like new poisonous snakes that will bite you with a venom that kills you slow; and for this fact also, if you look harder and with the help of your trustee fellow-adventurers, you'll find the anti-venom, which makes you stronger.. next time the snake bites, you'll know what to do.
i may be a pain in the ass for i am young, bow down is a must or you'll get bad marks for your attitude..
i learned..
and still learning hard enough to see where i am going
and what i want to be
i want.
and if i want it enough, i'll get it.
talents cant lead you as far as ambition.
i'll keep that in mind :)
ps: maybe you're wondering why did i write this in english? well.. it's simple.. while you're trying to translate it, it makes you think, harder
Jumat, 04 November 2011
hip hop bitches :D
You look like Elvis Presley, but you are Ferron Wesley
She Need a damn guitar, i wanna play with gita
You look like you need a drink, i give you my words of blink
Hey b*tch suck my d*ck bla bla blast bla bla blast uh uh, B*TCH
bitchy bitchy
She Need a damn guitar, i wanna play with gita
You look like you need a drink, i give you my words of blink
Hey b*tch suck my d*ck bla bla blast bla bla blast uh uh, B*TCH
bitchy bitchy
let's blast together
I cant say any vowel
you cant be like jack
safe from every second in every hours
your air killed me like a
the skies are getting darker
lets make all the stories vicious
lies are getting obvious
can't breath without my medication
everything here
moved in slowmotion
gotta fight all the frustration
stand up! get yourself a
i'll cage you in silver cups
show me all your wrist cuts
hate me forever
i wont even care, so whatever!
your air killed me like a
the skies are getting darker
lets make all the stories vicious
lies are getting obvious
can't breath without my medication
here moved in slowmotion
gotta fight all the frustration
stand up! get
yourself a vacation
crossed minds with time and salty dinners
found out a
belief of great manners
there will always be tommorow
passed the nightmare
and cast the shadows
i've breath without my medication
everythings here
start moved inmotion
already fight all the frustration
stand up! feel the
this is my second life edition
i need no more attention
bless my own perfection
take 1.. and action!
Endless journey to the sun and back
Nothing looks the same anymore
I see a strange light up ahead
I cannot stop, I know I'm not there
you never listened to what i've said
you push my fingers, eyes so cold
I grinch as I feel my arms unfold
So happy we were, phase for sure
All smiles, all cheer, but nobody knows
Nothing looks the same anymore
It's as if I went through and closed this door
I see a strange light up ahead
I cannot stop, I know I'm not there
you never listened to what i've said
you never listened to what i've said
This broken wings, indeed in my heart
It stares at you, its just the start
That silly decade, empty wars
Fills my sore, all eaten away
about BLA BLA BLAST! (my favorite band)
A short info about them
Bla Bla Blast! is a result of an experiment to create a new genre to music with a different point a view. With an electronica basic sound supported with distorted guitars and completed with metal vocals. This band is consisted by three young musicians. Ferron Wesley as vocalist, Rico Julian as programmer, Dochi as guitarist.
Ferron currently is finishing his studies in Netherlands. Before considering making a new band, he has been a well-known vocalist of Arck.
Rico comes from Semarang, and he lives there. He has an 8-bit music solo carrier, known as Hellostereo.
Dochi is from Jakarta, and he studies in Jakarta aswell. He plays guitar for Sherina, a young singer from Indonesia.
Bla Bla Blast! started by the acquaintance of Ferron & Rico by the internet in January 2007. They never really met before but they found same interests into music and decided to start a side project. As Rico has a well capability in making music and Ferron has been a vocalist since years ago, so they agreed on each other then Bla Bla Blast! was formed. At one point in the process of their music making, they decided to start searching for a guitarist to maximize their sound for live performances. Dochi and Ferron have known each other before, and Dochi actually offered himself to join. Dochi has made very good accomplishments in music, so Ferron & Rico recruited him immediately in May 2007. They worked on making music separately, as they live in distant places (Ferron in Netherlands, Rico in Semarang, and Dochi in Jakarta) and brought their music for society listening by their online profile on Myspace. They finally met in the end on June and started their relationship from just co-workers to best friends.
genre: Electronica / Experimental / Metal
Bla Bla Blast! is a result of an experiment to create a new genre to music with a different point a view. With an electronica basic sound supported with distorted guitars and completed with metal vocals. This band is consisted by three young musicians. Ferron Wesley as vocalist, Rico Julian as programmer, Dochi as guitarist.
Ferron currently is finishing his studies in Netherlands. Before considering making a new band, he has been a well-known vocalist of Arck.
Rico comes from Semarang, and he lives there. He has an 8-bit music solo carrier, known as Hellostereo.
Dochi is from Jakarta, and he studies in Jakarta aswell. He plays guitar for Sherina, a young singer from Indonesia.
Bla Bla Blast! started by the acquaintance of Ferron & Rico by the internet in January 2007. They never really met before but they found same interests into music and decided to start a side project. As Rico has a well capability in making music and Ferron has been a vocalist since years ago, so they agreed on each other then Bla Bla Blast! was formed. At one point in the process of their music making, they decided to start searching for a guitarist to maximize their sound for live performances. Dochi and Ferron have known each other before, and Dochi actually offered himself to join. Dochi has made very good accomplishments in music, so Ferron & Rico recruited him immediately in May 2007. They worked on making music separately, as they live in distant places (Ferron in Netherlands, Rico in Semarang, and Dochi in Jakarta) and brought their music for society listening by their online profile on Myspace. They finally met in the end on June and started their relationship from just co-workers to best friends.
genre: Electronica / Experimental / Metal
Rediscovering Atlantis
This silent room, brings heavy creeping shame,
The dead approval, the opening door,
The murdered brother rising, rising through the floor
And eyes cannot stop, on they shoulders lies,
The broken swore, the several screams,
The broken swore, the several screams,
This silent room, brings heavy creeping shame,
The dead approval, the opening door,
The broken swore, the several scream,
Sight of all the moving shadows
Seen out through the broken windows
Hide under this bloody pillow
Haunted by the dark corpse widow
The murdered brother rising, rising through the floor
And eyes cannot stop, on they shoulders lies,
This silent room, the heavy creeping shame
The dead approvals, the opening door
The murdered brother rising, rising through the floor
And eyes cannot stop, on they shoulders lies
The dead approval, the opening door,
The murdered brother rising, rising through the floor
And eyes cannot stop, on they shoulders lies,
The broken swore, the several screams,
The broken swore, the several screams,
This silent room, brings heavy creeping shame,
The dead approval, the opening door,
The broken swore, the several scream,
Sight of all the moving shadows
Seen out through the broken windows
Hide under this bloody pillow
Haunted by the dark corpse widow
The murdered brother rising, rising through the floor
And eyes cannot stop, on they shoulders lies,
This silent room, the heavy creeping shame
The dead approvals, the opening door
The murdered brother rising, rising through the floor
And eyes cannot stop, on they shoulders lies
Riot on my baby's bedroom
what's that noise?
what's that noise?
sounds of shimmery toys
party is a riot
and it caught me off guard
no no its so hard
just to keep
them quiet
oh yeah yeah baby!
you dance like elvis
these walls are
there's a riot
there's a riot
a scene of milk & dolls
& robots
answering calls
a scene of dancing babies
& white rabbits and
singing nursery rhymes
with explicit minds
bedtime bedtime! she
my little baby with blinds
what's that noise?
what's that
sounds of shimmery toys
this party is a riot
and it caught me
off guard
no no its so hard
just to keep them quiet
oh yeah yeah
you dance like elvis
these walls are burning
there's a riot
there's a
riot riot riot riot
riot riot riot riot
riot riot riot riot
riot riot quieeet!
Wipe that smile
say goodnight
dont you cry
what's that noise?
what's that noise?
sounds of shimmery toys
this party is a riot
and it caught me off guard
no no its so
just to keep them quiet
oh yeah yeah baby!
you dance like
these walls are burning
there's a riot
there's a riot
what's that noise?
sounds of shimmery toys
party is a riot
and it caught me off guard
no no its so hard
just to keep
them quiet
oh yeah yeah baby!
you dance like elvis
these walls are
there's a riot
there's a riot
a scene of milk & dolls
& robots
answering calls
a scene of dancing babies
& white rabbits and
singing nursery rhymes
with explicit minds
bedtime bedtime! she
my little baby with blinds
what's that noise?
what's that
sounds of shimmery toys
this party is a riot
and it caught me
off guard
no no its so hard
just to keep them quiet
oh yeah yeah
you dance like elvis
these walls are burning
there's a riot
there's a
riot riot riot riot
riot riot riot riot
riot riot riot riot
riot riot quieeet!
Wipe that smile
say goodnight
dont you cry
what's that noise?
what's that noise?
sounds of shimmery toys
this party is a riot
and it caught me off guard
no no its so
just to keep them quiet
oh yeah yeah baby!
you dance like
these walls are burning
there's a riot
there's a riot
Senin, 31 Oktober 2011
im a dork
at the beginning of the day i keep asking rethorical question,
"will it be the same today like it was yesterday?"
i mean cmon, what kind of asshole asks that kind of question to himself?
am i really that bad?
im just this kid who still doesnt know certain places cool people go to hang out
or prescripted drugs to missuse to distract all their sad-ass problems
(oh i wish i had one)
am i having a depression?
will this make me suicidal?
i guess when you were once an asshole, and then you're up, everyone u used to know tries to pull you down
well sadly,
the worst thing about the end of the day, is that tomorrow it will start all over again
"will it be the same today like it was yesterday?"
i mean cmon, what kind of asshole asks that kind of question to himself?
am i really that bad?
im just this kid who still doesnt know certain places cool people go to hang out
or prescripted drugs to missuse to distract all their sad-ass problems
(oh i wish i had one)
am i having a depression?
will this make me suicidal?
i guess when you were once an asshole, and then you're up, everyone u used to know tries to pull you down
well sadly,
the worst thing about the end of the day, is that tomorrow it will start all over again
it's the game of guessing, and i think i'm losing.
to remember this moment..
i woke up with soaky wet eyes
i guess i cried on my sleep
but more like drowning to me
i guess i woke up too early
i guess i fell asleep too late
i guess i didnt get enough sleep
i guess when i woke up, i noticed that youre no longer there
not even here
like the presence of your essence of existence
the juice of every ion of your resemblance
the shade of you standing in distance watching every step to meet you there
a sanctuary
a place where i feel safe
a place where i can always be myself
a place where i dont need another fight
i guess there's no more fight to get this right
well what's there left to fight?
you cried.
i cried.
and then we laughed.
but then we cried again.
we cried because we're happy but drowned by the toughts that we're not meant to be.
i gave you love
u gave me motivation
u loved me back
and gave me direction.
where to?
i guess,
i'm just wrong
i woke up with soaky wet eyes
i guess i cried on my sleep
but more like drowning to me
i guess i woke up too early
i guess i fell asleep too late
i guess i didnt get enough sleep
i guess when i woke up, i noticed that youre no longer there
not even here
like the presence of your essence of existence
the juice of every ion of your resemblance
the shade of you standing in distance watching every step to meet you there
a sanctuary
a place where i feel safe
a place where i can always be myself
a place where i dont need another fight
i guess there's no more fight to get this right
well what's there left to fight?
you cried.
i cried.
and then we laughed.
but then we cried again.
we cried because we're happy but drowned by the toughts that we're not meant to be.
i gave you love
u gave me motivation
u loved me back
and gave me direction.
where to?
i guess,
i'm just wrong
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